Physical Readiness Test (PRT)

Every Sea Cadet & League Cadet must take and pass the PRT during the Spring (March-May) and Fall (September-November to satisfy the USNSCC’s physical fitness requirement of membership. Cadets will not be eligible to participate in Navy League Orientation, NSCC Recruit Training, or Advanced Trainings, unless they have passed the PRT within 6 months of attending the training. The PRT is also essential for advancement in the USNSCC.

Level 2 or above must be attained for attending Navy League Orientation & NSCC Recruit Training.

Level 3 or above must be attained to promote and attend Advanced Trainings.

PRT with the U.S. Navy

The Sea Cadets Physical Readiness Test (PRT) consists of three different activities performed in order.

  • Plank
  • Push-ups
  • 1-Mile Run